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It is with great pleasure that we

These last months have been marked by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe and all over the world. The current public crisis has greatly disrupted business activities across various sectors. For the machine tool industry, the effects of this crisis have been plentiful. CECIMO put in place different advocacy actions to ensure that the voice of manufacturers is heard and to support our members and their businesses. We even contributed in the field, when we launched a Call to Action for all Manufacturer that could provide immediate help to hospitals during the medical emergency.

Now it is crucial for the EU and its Member States to start immediately to define an ambitious EU manufacturing recovery plan. CECIMO published its proposal for such plan and calls upon Member States to work closely with the European Commission to map their strategies on the various actions, and to ensure a coordinated approach on the exit strategy.

The EU recovery plan should create a regulatory and fiscal environment for businesses that enables them to invest, grow and create jobs.

Despite increased awareness on the importance of manufacturing and relative new technologies at EU level, a strong collaboration among different stakeholders is now needed more than ever, as it is to keep promoting dialogue across different sectors and stakeholders and to implement the most adequate political measures.

Manufacturing will hopefully be able very soon to support a more competitive and resilient Europe.


Director General

Hans-Martin Schneeberger

The COVID-19 pandemic has tremendously changed the world we knew and caused a domino-effect leading to serious and interconnected crises in the public health, economic, financial, and social domains.

The public health crisis we are facing is having a profound negative impact on all economic sectors. The European machine tool industry has been no exception, as machine tool companies across Europe have experienced significant decreases in production levels, sales, machine servicing, and employment throughout.

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Machine tool companies across Europe are experiencing significant decreases in production levels, sales, machine servicing, and employment throughout. A full recovery of the manufacturing industry is key to improve the European economy’s technological capabilities and support its future growth. The EU and its Member States must start defining a plan to provide the industry with the sustain it needs, to address the damage to EU economies, and restore businesses capacity for investment and employment. CECIMO proposed an ambitious Manufacturing recovering plan.

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In March 2020, the European Commission published the EU Industrial strategy 2030. The aim is to set up a direction for a globally competitive, climate-neutral and digitalised industry. The Strategy is about enabling Europe's industry to drive our economies forward and remaining at the cutting edge of innovation. The EU industry is well placed to lead and makes the most of the green and digital transformation process.

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CECIMO position paper on Artificial Intelligence

On 19 February 2020, the European Commission released its long-awaited White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI), intended to outline, and consolidate a European approach to AI that both promotes a favourable ecosystem for the European technology industry.

During the COVID-19 crisis, CECIMO member companies have shown great resilience. As part of global value chains operate, they produce or have business relationships in many impacted countries. At the same time, our industries are of strategic importance for Europe, with a total turnover of around 27 billion euros only in 2019, and we represent one of the most innovative sectors, contributing to research and innovation in fields such as additive manufacturing, robotics and artificial intelligence.

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Economical and Statistical Toolbox
First Quarter 2020

The first quarter of 2020 was marked by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic across the world.
The current public health crisis has greatly disrupted business activity across various regions and has had sizeable social costs. For the machine tool industry, the effects of this crisis have been plentiful.

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The beginning of the Covid-19 crisis posed a challenge to the production and distribution channels for medical devices and AM provided an immediate solution to hospitals.

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Unleashing the potential of Additive Manufacturing to fight COVID-19: recommendations to policymakers

Since the “call to action”, launched from CECIMO in March 2020, the European association for Additive Manufacturing, has been in direct contact with companies who have offered to help during the crisis. However, many of them have pointed out that various regulatory requirements could block their contribution.

EU Green Deal


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Due to COVID-19, CECIMO could not organise nor participate to physical meetings. The association organised two Webinars this year, that took place in May and July:
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Latest developments on the use of Internet of Things technologies in manufacturing production

The webinar focused on IoT technologies in the manufacturing industry. The guest-speakers Bernhard Langefeld and Alexander von Paumgartten co-authored the Roland Berger’s white paper “IoT in production – challenges and opportunities for OEMs”.

Presentations and recording of the webinar

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Additive Manufacturing: an opportunity to fill the gaps in traditional supply chains

The webinar focused on the benefits of a fast deployment of AM solutions in EU strategical sectors. The speakers adressed disruption in supply chains caused by the pandemic, and discussed the opening of new opportunities.

Presentations and recording of the webinar

Keep informed about our next webinars on our social media and on the page:

CECIMO is actively involved in two Horizon2020 projects aiming to develop new innovative solutions within the framework Industry 4.0, such as the application of Artificial Intelligence, robotics, or piloting lines to supply chains: TRINITY and DIMOFAC.

The association is also involved in an Erasmus+ project, that is developing new strategies to tackle skills shortages and meet the needs in the Additive Manufacturing sector: SAM.

If you wish to know more about the projects CECIMO is involved in, visit the EU PROJECTS section on our website.

If you are interested in beign part of the CECIMO Research and Innovation mailing list and receive flash news on the Horizon framework program, and to be constantly updated on funding opportunities, please contact CECIMO EU project assistant

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