
04 October 2024

Automation in Manufacturing – the Impact on Industry and Workforce

The rapid evolution of automation in advanced manufacturing is reshaping the manufacturing landscape, driving unprecedented technological advancements and significantly influencing labour markets worl...
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15 July 2024

CECIMO’s Position on the EU Action Plan to Tackle Labour and Skills Shortages

CECIMO welcomes the adoption of the EU Action Plan on Labour and Skills Shortages, addressing the critical skills gap in the manufacturing sector that hinders productivity, competitiveness, and innova...
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13 June 2024

CECIMO Recommendations on the New EU R&D Framework Programme (FP10)

CECIMO - representing European Manufacturing Technologies - believes that the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP10) can be a key enabler for the development and growth of the adva...
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20 March 2024

From Survey to Strategy: Understanding Skills Trends in Advanced Manufacturing

This report examines the skills trends, qualifications demand, requisite professional profiles and the associated challenges in recruiting a skilled workforce within the advanced manufacturing sector....
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19 February 2024

CECIMO Recommendations for the 2024-2029 EU Institutional Cycle

At CECIMO, we advocate for a stronger manufacturing industry to drive transformative changes in the EU’s industrial ecosystems, especially in the midst of the digital and green transition. By streng...
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09 December 2023

CECIMO Brussels Forum – Key Takeaways

The first edition of the CECIMO Brussels Forum, organised by the European Association for Manufacturing Technologies (CECIMO), took place on 6-7 December in the heart of Brussels. The event gathered i...
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27 June 2023

CECIMO Position Paper on European Critical Raw Materials Act

CECIMO welcomes the announced legislative proposal, the European Critical Raw Material Act (CRMA) as an important initial step towards developing competitive and resilient digital future and green tra...
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07 June 2023

Artificial Intelligence for Machine Tools

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown the potential to impact the work and growth of many sectors. Manufacturing is one of those sectors that can potentially reap large benefits from...
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24 May 2023

Transformation of Manufacturing: Embracing Digital and Green Skills

The shift towards sustainable practices and digital solutions is becoming increasingly important in all sectors, and advanced manufacturing is no exception. Currently, more than three-quarters of comp...
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26 January 2023

Updated CECIMO Guide to EU Funding Opportunities

In the current digital age, research and innovation policy represents an important instrument towards achieving Europe’s competitiveness and economic resilience and securing its strategic technologi...
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07 November 2022

Enabling the Circular Economy with Additive Manufacturing – Exploring Best Practices

The transition towards sustainable and circular manufacturing demands a gradual shift towards new practices and technologies that minimise environmental impact and preserve energy and natural resource...
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06 October 2022

CECIMO’s Perspective on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) Directive

Following the European Commission’s proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) Directive presented in late February 2022, we acknowledge the giant step in establishing an EU-wide h...
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05 October 2022

CECIMO Paper on the Artificial Intelligence Act

CECIMO, representing the machine tool industry and related manufacturing technologies, welcomes the opportunity to share its position on the European Commission’s “Proposal for a Regulation on Art...
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30 September 2022

CECIMO Factsheet on Sustainable Manufacturing

In recent years the environmental factor has gained more and more traction among the European Union’s policymakers, leading to an unprecedented political momentum towards achieving a green transitio...
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13 September 2022

Cybersecurity for the Machine Tools Industry

As digitalization becomes more prevalent across industries, there is a growing need for companies to increase the safety measures against cyber risks. Like in other sectors, the machine tool industry...
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18 July 2022

Guidelines of CE Marking on Laser Machines

Objectives of the guide Machinery and equipment which are bound by specific European Directives cannot be placed on the single market unless they bear, among other things, the CE marking. CE marking...
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13 June 2022

The Incredible Life of a Machine Tool: from birth to the beginning of a new cycle

In recent years the environmental factor has gained more and more traction among the European Union’s policymakers, leading to an unprecedented political momentum towards achieving a sustainable tr...
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11 April 2022

CECIMO Guide to EU Funding Opportunities

In the current digital age, research and innovation policy represents an important instrument towards achieving Europe’s competitiveness and economic resilience and securing its strategic technologi...
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31 March 2022

CECIMO Position Paper-Eu Standardisation Strategy

The European Commission published on the 2nd of February 2022 a new Standardisation Strategy outlining our approach to standards within the Single Market as well as globally. Given the far-reaching...
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07 February 2022

Why B2B Data Sharing is Important for the Manufacturing Sector

The upcoming Data Act aims at facilitating data access and data use in B2B and B2G relationships, while reviewing the rules on the legal protection of databases. Moreover, to facilitate data sharing a...
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20 October 2021

Guidelines for companies to Taxonomy

Introduction The Taxonomy Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2020/852) is an important enabler to scale up sustainable investment and to implement the European Green Deal. The EU taxonomy establishes a Euro...
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08 September 2021

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Machinery Product

Introduction: Revision of the Machinery Directive CECIMO, representing the machine tool industry and related manufacturing technologies, welcomes the opportunity to share its position on the Europe...
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30 June 2021

Position Paper: CECIMO’s Reaction to the Renewed EU Safeguard Measures

On 11 June, the European Commission notified the WTO about a proposal for the extension of the European Union's safeguard measures on steel imports, which is due to expire on 30 June. In addition, the...
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11 June 2021

CECIMO’s Contribution to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Sustainable Product Initiative

Introduction The transition towards sustainable and circular manufacturing brings a considerable change in most industries. It demands a gradual shift towards new practices and technologies that mini...
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26 May 2021

Position Paper: Does the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement Need an Upgrade?

On 27 April 2021, the European Parliament approved the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which means that the agreement entered into full force on the 1st of May 2021. The United Kingdom is no lo...
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21 May 2021

Position Paper: Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems across the EU

In December last year, the Commission proposed a Cybersecurity Package which is an important part of the EU's digital transformation and recovery efforts. The package consists of one strategic init...
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12 May 2021

CECIMO’S Reaction to the Updated EU Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe’s recovery

The European Commission published on the 5th of May 2021 its updated Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe's Recovery. The Communication recalls the lessons learned from th...
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31 July 2020

CECIMO Reaction to the revised EU Skills Strategy

In July 2020, the European Commission published the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience. It sets ambitious, quantitative objectives for upskilling...
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14 July 2020

CECIMO Position Paper: Is the Machinery Directive fit for purpose?

In the context of the ongoing revision of the Machinery Directive and considering the adoption of a new legislative proposal in the beginning of 2021, CECIMO, representing the machine tool industry an...
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02 June 2020

CECIMO Position Paper on Artificial Intelligence

On 19 February 2020, the European Commission released its long-awaited White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI), intended to outline, and consolidate a European approach to AI that both promotes a...
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25 May 2020

Industrial innovation after COVID-19: four points to support AM’s long-term growth

The beginning of the Covid-19 crisis posed a challenge to the usual production and distribution channels for medical devices. Due to the scale of the demand, the conventional suppliers of this essenti...
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20 May 2020


Machine tool companies across Europe are experiencing significant decreases in production levels, sales, machine servicing, and employment throughout. A full recovery of the manufacturing industry is...
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06 April 2020

CECIMO on the New Industrial Strategy 2030

In March 2020, the European Commission published the EU Industrial strategy 2030. The aim is to set up a direction for a globally competitive, climate-neutral and digitalised industry. The St...
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27 March 2020

Unleashing the potential of Additive Manufacturing to fight COVID-19 – CECIMO recommendations to policymakers

The current COVID-19 outbreak is causing severe shortages of essential medical equipment, particularly in those countries with the most significant number of patients. The additive manufactu...
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18 March 2020

CECIMO Position on COVID-19 – Remaining competitive in time of crisis: CECIMO recommendations to national and European decision-makers

European businesses are facing an extraordinary challenge caused by the outbreak of COVID-19. We have been witnessing the devastating impact of the crisis on our society and our way of living. The pu...
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07 January 2020

CECIMO Report on “Skills4Industry” Roundtable

CECIMO organised a roundtable discussion on skills on 4 December 2019. It saw the participation of its members, industry experts and EU officials. The discussion focused on the importance of a Europea...
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17 December 2019

CECIMO Report “The Future of the Machinery Directive”

CECIMO published a report on the future of the machinery directive, based on the breakfast briefing of 5 December 2019. The document summarizes the position of the industry, the European Commission an...
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17 May 2019

CECIMO Report on “The European Machine Tool Sector and the Circular Economy”

CECIMO publishes the report on the European machine tool sector and circular economy. The report underlines how the shift towards a circular economy calls for a prominent role of manufacturing. Wit...
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26 April 2019

Guidelines for CE marking on metalworking milling machines

CECIMO published new ‘Guidelines for CE marking on metal working milling machines’. This is the third publication in a series of guidelines aimed at supporting market surveillance authorities, cus...
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29 March 2019

Additive Manufacturing Activities Report 2018

CECIMO published its annual Additive Manufacturing Activities Report. The publication is a useful tool to explore what CECIMO does on AM and the relevant dossiers at the EU level. EU policy and reg...
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26 February 2019

CECIMO Special Report – EU Industry Day

On 6 February 2019, CECIMO organised a stakeholder session on "Manufacturing and 4.0 Skills" in the framework of the official programme of the 2019 EU Industry Days – the European Commission’s fl...
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08 February 2019

CECIMO Position on the revision of the Machinery Directive

In May 2018 the European Commission published a Staff Working Paper on the evaluation of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC). The evaluation overall conclusion is that the Machinery Directive is fit...
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10 September 2018

CECIMO Position Paper on FDI

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a hot topic in Europe, so CECIMO provides its position on the matter.
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14 June 2018

CECIMO position on the review dual-use export controls

The European institutions are reviewing the Regulation setting up a Union regime for the control exports, transfer, brokering, technical assistance and transit of dual-use items. CECIMO agrees with t...
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28 February 2018

Europe’s engagement on skills development

Technology is changing the way people live, work and do business. Digitalisation and automation are framing our future. This creates new and exciting opportunities, but at the same time challenges. Ma...
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27 February 2018

CECIMO Additive Manufacturing Activities Report 2017

CECIMO publishes today the AM Activities Report, which collects the main achievements of 2017 and the challenges ahead in the additive manufacturing field. Dynamism characterizes the international a...
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26 February 2018


When I speak with member companies in the UK about Brexit they focus on the potential business impact. They stress the importance of tariff free access to the European single market, frictionless trad...
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06 February 2018

CECIMO Takeaways on “From Artificial Intelligence to Machine Learning”

CECIMO organised a debate on "From Artificial Intelligence to Machine Learning" at the end of last year. Fourteen representatives of the European Institutions and industry highlight the potential econ...
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24 October 2017

For an ambitious EU industrial strategy: going further

CECIMO and the Industry4Europe partners drafted the Joint Reaction Paper “For an ambitious EU industrial strategy: going further”, which analyses the EC Communication (Renewed EU Industrial pol...
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03 October 2017

Special Report on additive manufacturing, engine of industrial revival

CECIMO keeps promoting the machine tool industry and additive manufacturing at the European level. In line with this goal, we supported a Euractiv Special Report, which aims at raising awareness on ad...
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25 July 2017

CECIMO Digitisation Campaign

Taking into account the digitisation process transforming the European machine tool industry, CECIMO decided to develop a compendium, collecting various business practices already on the market and sh...
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20 July 2017

AMEC takeaways

The third edition of the Additive Manufacturing European Conference (AMEC) took place in the European Parliament on 7 June 2017, bringing together 100 participants from the AM industry, authorities an...
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15 March 2017

Report on EU-China Foreign Direct Investment

Dr Frank Brinken, Chairman of CECIMO Economic Committee and Member of the Board of Directors at Starrag Group, was a panellist of the event “Europe’s technology for sale?”, which took place on 9...
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30 January 2017

Industry 4.0: possibilities and challenges for the Machine Tool Industry

Europe has the world’s most competitive machine tool industry. The sector’s competitiveness is based on know-how, high skills and customized solutions. Nevertheless, the advanced manufacturing ind...
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30 January 2017

CECIMO position paper on the EC communication “Building a European data economy”

CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries, welcomes the European Commission’s communication “Building a European data economy”, as it puts connectivity and production techn...
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30 September 2016

Report on 3D-printing: Current and future application areas, existing industrial value chains and missing competences in the EU

IDEA Consult in consortium with CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industry, VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd and AIT, the Austrian Institute of Technology, has rece...
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16 September 2016

CECIMO special report: Paving the way for digital transformation in the machine tool industry

The advanced manufacturing business is changing. Machines, systems and factories are getting connected across borders. Manufacturers improve the performance, energy- and resource-efficiency as well as...
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28 July 2016

EU Innobarometer 2016

The latest edition of the EU Innobarometer, which gives a snapshot of developments and expectations of the EU business community on innovation, was released in mid-July 2016. Conducted in February 20...
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06 July 2016

Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Conference 2016: Takeaways

The Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing European Conference 2016 was recently held at the European Parliament under the theme “Helping industry and policy makers to build together a European stra...
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23 June 2016

INTEFIX Project Result

The INTEFIX project aims to increase the performance of the machining processes by the use of intelligent fixture systems, allowing the monitoring, control and adaptation of the process to obtain suit...
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17 March 2016

Boosting the potential of Key Enabling Technologies

Addressing Skills Needs in Europe
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18 November 2015

CECIMO report

Winning in a world of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity Reflections on the future by the European machine tool industry
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14 October 2015

Takeaways of the Additive Manufacturing European Conference

On June 23, 2015, additive manufacturing (AM) was given a unique showcase at the European Parliament in Brussels when CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool industries, held the first ...
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17 May 2015

Guidelines for CE marking of electro-discharge machines

Machinery and equipment which are bound by specific European directives cannot be placed on the single market unless they bear CE marking. CE marking affixed on a product indicates that the product co...
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21 December 2014

Design-MTS: A Multi-Stakeholder CSR Platform in the Machine Tool Sector

At the level of public policy, the European Commission (EC) is a leader in the promotion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and this role is increasing in importance. The socially responsible be...
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08 December 2014

CECIMO magazine – Corporate Social Resposibility in the EU

In October 2014, the Council of the EU adopted the amended Directive on disclosure of nonfinancial and diversity information by certain large companies and groups. Large companies with more than 500 e...
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08 December 2014

CECIMO magazine – DESIGN-MTS : A multi-stakeholder CSR platform in the machine tool sector

At the level of public policy, the European Commission (EC) is a leader in the promotion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and this role is increasing in importance. The socially responsible be...
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30 October 2014

CECIMO position paper: The EU has to tackle the lack of investments to secure its industrial future

Executive Summary Investment in Europe is in a declining trend since the onset of the economic crisis in 2009 Europe is in a downward spiral of “low investment – low productivity – low v...
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10 April 2014

Interview with Filip Geerts, CECIMO Director General, on the Danish METALNEWS

CECIMO Director General Filip Geerts comments the conclusions of the European Council summit held 20 and 21 March 2014 on the Danish METALNEWS. "It is very positive to see that the European Council se...
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02 December 2013

DEMAT conference report 2013

This report presents the DEMAT project results, introduced for the first time at the DEMAT Conference at EMO Hannover on 20 September 2013. These tremendous results show how the project leads to the a...
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02 December 2013

The DEMAT conference report 2013 available for download

This DEMAT conference report 2013 presents the tremendous project results produced by the DEMAT project. These results, presented for the first time at the DEMAT Conference at EMO Hannover on 20 Septe...
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29 October 2013

DEMAT Survey Report

European machine tool builders are facing competition from emerging countries in a situation shaped by the economic crisis. New business models with a stronger service orientation are seen as an instr...
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30 September 2013

CECIMO Manifesto on Skills

CECIMO launches the European machine tool industry’s manifesto on skills Brussels, 30 September 2013 - CECIMO publishes a manifesto to identify the skills-related needs of the European machine tool...
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26 July 2013

Status implementation Report – HLG on KETs

The Status implementation Report of the European Commission's High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies Related News: News - CECIMO took part in the second meeting of the new High Level Group...
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13 May 2013

CECIMO joint position paper on the new Market Surveillance Regulation

In a joint position paper by European machinery industries, CECIMO welcomes the proposal of the European Commission “Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package”, adopted on 13 February 2013. T...
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29 January 2013

Study on the Competitiveness of the European Machine Tool Industry

The European machine tool industry represents more than a third of the global machine tool production worldwide. Europe is a leader both in market share and in technology in this strategic key enablin...
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30 June 2012

CECE CECIMO CEMA FEM Joint Position Paper –

Market Surveillance of Machinery...
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15 September 2011

Guidelines for CE marking on metalworking band sawing machines

Guidelines for CE marking on metalworking band sawing machines Available in English, Turkish and Italian...
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31 March 2011

CECIMO position paper on Market Access

European Commission Trade and Investment Barriers Report: Machine tool exports are poised to grow in open and free markets...
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